LOTL: Queer Conversation
Established in 1989, Lesbians on the Loose Magazine was a much-loved monthly magazine for lesbians in Australia. (You can find the entire digital archive of the magazine on www.lotl.com/archive ). A lifeline for many and a leading voice within the community, the brand has become a historic part of the LGBTQ community in Australia. Building on its foundations and aligning with today's live, LOTL produces daily content across various channels, including the web, socials, podcasts and film.
LOTL: Queer Conversation
Diversity And Inclusion In Rotary
When the international service organisation Rotary was founded 118 years ago, membership was reserved for “adult male persons of good character and good business or professional reputation,” as outlined in its then Constitution. Women were not officially allowed to be members of Rotary Clubs until the 1980s when the US Supreme Court ruled that Rotary could not exclude women based on gender.
And, of course, some people were not officially excluded but often made to feel unwelcome in practice, including members of the LGBT+ community.
But two current Rotary members say that well-established organisations like Rotary can become more diverse and inclusive with the right approach. #RotaryInternational #diversityandInclusion
Watch the interview or read the article: https://tinyurl.com/ytbedm33
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