LOTL: Queer Conversation
Established in 1989, Lesbians on the Loose Magazine was a much-loved monthly magazine for lesbians in Australia. (You can find the entire digital archive of the magazine on www.lotl.com/archive ). A lifeline for many and a leading voice within the community, the brand has become a historic part of the LGBTQ community in Australia. Building on its foundations and aligning with today's live, LOTL produces daily content across various channels, including the web, socials, podcasts and film.
LOTL: Queer Conversation
Legacies of Lesbian Literature Project In Her Words: 20th Century Lesbian Fiction
This feature-length film brings together many of the most notable authors of lesbian literature from the previous century. It allows them to share, in their own words, their inspirations and how and why their groundbreaking works became woven into the fabric of the LGBTQ+ community. Featured authors include Sarah Waters, Dorothy Allison, Rita Mae Brown, Lesléa Newman, Ann Bannon, Ellen Hart, Katherine V. Forrest, Lee Lynch, Jewelle Gomez, Penny Micklebury, Jenifer Levin, Achy Obejas, Karin Kallmaker, Elana Dykewomon, Patrick Califia, Claire McNab, Marianne K. Martin, and Nancy Garden.
In Her Words is the most comprehensive look ever into the formative decades of lesbian literature and the women who put their safety, lives, and jobs on the line to write works that reflected the truth of lesbian experiences of the time.
In Her Words: 20th Century Lesbian Fiction is narrated by venerated LGBTQ+ historian and author Lillian Faderman. Learn more about the project at www.inherwordsthefilm.com
#SarahWaters #DorothyAllison #RitaMaeBrown #LesléaNewman #AnnBannon #EllenHart #KatherineVForrest #LeeLynch #JewelleGomez #PennyMicklebury #JeniferLevin #AchyObejas #KarinKallmaker #ElanaDykewomon #PatrickCalifia #ClaireMcNab #MarianneKMartin #Nancy Garden #lesbianliterature
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